Clive Barker's Undying

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  • Clivebarke105751
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As technological developments become more advanced in the industry, software houses everywhere are beginning to combine certain genres. More specifically, the FPS game and the role-playing game are two genres that were formerly strictly separate. However, as more games are developed with the two genres in mind, Clive Barker, creator and director of the Hell Raiser series now has a video game that tells his story of "Undying". Fans of the Hell Raiser series will immediately realise the nature of Undying as being a supernatural horror.

When beginning your game as Patrick Galloway, a badly acted Irish man, you will soon uncover the mysterious goings on in the Covenant estate. To date, Undying is by far one of the most visually advanced titles currently available, and as such, is highly atmospheric. After wandering around a few of the mansion's hallways, you uncover what appear to be ghosts. However, fantasy soon becomes reality when you are faced with hoards of monsters called Howlers. From here on in, it's up to you to rid the world of such atrocities by using whatever means necessary. Throughout the game you will be equipped with both weapons and magic, but they should be used wisely, since they are expendable and not in abundance. Should you be so careless with your resources, you will have to fight such frightening creations with your bare hands.

Undying is, in every sense of the word, frightening, particularly when played loud. It looks beautiful, offers a huge challenge, an engrossing mystery, and incorporates two of the industry's most recognised game genres. What more could you want.

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Windows 95
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Clive Barker's Undying
Electronic Arts

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